Content :
A Background in Conformal Geometry
The Foundations of Quasiconformal Mappings
Complex Potentials
The Measurable Riemann Mapping Theorem: The Existence Theory of Quasiconformal Mapping
Parameterizing General Linear Elliptic Systems
The Concept of Ellipticity
Solving General Nonlinear First-Order Elliptic Systems
Nonlinear Riemann Mapping Theorems
Conformal Deformations and Beltrami Systems
Quasilinear Cauchy Problem
Holomorphic Motions
Higher Intergrability
Theory of Beltrami Operators
Schauder Estimates for Beltrami Operators
Applications to Partial Differential Equations
PDEs Not of Divergence Type:Pucci's Conjecture
Quasiconformal Methods in Impedance Tomography: Calderon's Problem
Integral Estimates for the Jacobian
Solving the Beltrami Equation: Degenerate Elliptic Case
Aspects of the Calculus of Variations
Appendix: Elements of Sobolev Theory and Function Spaces
Basic Notation