Content :
1. Introduction
Part I: Invesment Incentives: An Introduction
2. Types of Investment Incentives
3. Definitions, Motivations, and Locational Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment
Part II: A Global Overview of Investment Incentives
4. The Use of Investment Incentives: The Cases of R&D-Related Incentives and International Investment Agreements
5. Incentives in the European Union
6. Incentives in the United States
7. Tax Incentives Around the World
Part III: Designing Incentives Programs to Get Value for Money and Achieve Intended Goals
8. A Holistic Approach to Investment Incentives
9. Investment Incentives for Sustainable Developmen
10. Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Incentives
Part IV: Reducing Incentives Competition: Regulatory Efforts to Limit "Races to the Bottom"
11. Regulation of Investment Incentives: National and Subnational Efforts to Regulate Competition for Investment Through the Use of Incentives
12. Regulation of Investment Incentives: Instruments at an International/Supranational Level
13. Conclusions: Outstanding Issues on the Design and Implementation of Incentives Policies