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Published annually, Brookings Papers on Education Policy (BPEP) analyzes policies intended to improve student performance. In each volume, some of the best-informed analysts in various disciplines review the current situation in education and consider programs for reform.
In this fifth annual issue of the series, prominent educators and other social scientists discuss accountability and its consequences for students. Contents include: !-Grade Retention and Social Promotion in Texas, 1994-99!+ A. Gary Dworkin, Jon Lorence, Laurence Toenjes, and Antwanette Hill (University of Houston) !-Reform, Resistance...Retreat? The Predictable Policies of Accountability in Virginia!+ Frederick Hess (University of Virginia) !-School Accountability in California: An Early Evaluation!+ Julian Betts (UC San Diego and Public Policy Institute of California) and Anne Danenberg (Public Policy Institute of California) !-Standards and Accountability in Washington State!+ (Paul Hill and Robin Lake (University of Washington) !-Volatility in School Test Scores: Implications for Test-Based Accountability Systems!+ Tom Kane (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University) and Douglas O Staiger (Dartmouth College) !-Building a High-Quality Assessment Program: The Philadelphia Example!+ Andy Porter (Wisconsin Center for Education and Research) and Mitchell Chester (Philadelphia School System) !-Accountability in Chicago!+ Alfred Hess (Northwestern University)
Diane Ravitch , former Assistant Secretary of Educational Research and Improvement at the U.S. Department of Education, is the author of numerous books, including The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (Knopf, 2003), Left Back: A Century of Battles over School Reform (Simon & Schuster, 2001), and National Standards in American Education: A Citizen’s Guide (Brookings, 1995).
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