By HILL, GEOFFREY E. (Author), MCGRAW, KEVIN J. (Author)
Price : $141.00$112.80 ISBN : 9780674021761
Page : 528 Year of Publication : 2006 Edition : 1 Publisher : HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS Subject : BIOLOGY
Description :
In this companion volume to Bird Coloration: Volume 1, Mechanisms and Measurements, Geoffrey E. Hill and Kevin J. McGraw have assembled some of the world's leading experts in the function and evolution of bird coloration to contribute to a long-overdue synthesis of a burgeoning field of inquiry. In Volume 2, the authors turn from the problem of how birds see and produce color and how researchers measure it, to what is the function of the colorful displays of birds and what are the factors that shape the evolution of color signals.
The contributors to this volume begin by examining the function of coloration in a variety of contexts from mate choice, to social signaling, to individual recognition, synthesizing a vast amount of recent findings by researchers around the world. The volume and the series conclude with chapters that consider coloration from an explicitly evolutionary perspective, examining selective pressures that have led to the evolution of colors and patterns on body and plumage. These functional and evolutionary studies build from research on mechanisms of production and controls of expression, covered in the previous volume, bringing the study of color full circle.
This sumptuously illustrated book will be essential reading for biologists studying animal coloration, but it will also be treasured by anyone curious about why birds are colorful and how they got that way.
Geoffrey E. Hill is Alumni Professor of Biological Sciences, Auburn University.
Kevin J. McGraw is Assistant Professor of Life Sciences, Arizona State University.
Content :
Natural Selection and Coloration: Protection, Concealment, Advertisement, or Deception
Intraspecific Variation in Coloration
Color Displays as Intrasexual Signals of Aggression and Dominance
Female Mate Choice for Ornamental Coloration
Function and Evolution of Color in Young Birds
Benefits to Females of Assessing Color Displays
Female Coloration: Review of Functional and Nonfunctional Hyptheses
Colorful Phenotypes of Colorless Genotypes: Toward a New Evolutionary Synthesis of Color Displays
Ecological Explanations for Interspecific Variablity in Coloration
Adding Color to the Past: Ancestral-State Reconstruction of Coloration